
Ned pages 1 through 10

Deviation Actions

ByThePowerOfTVsFrank's avatar

Literature Text

page one

pnl 1:

Ned, (a demon whos only demonic trait are the big bat wings on his back) is sitting against a stone wall that appears to be apart of some kind of industrial system such as a rain water drainage system, news paper open as he reads through it with only passing interest. Sydney, a red haired angel is standing next to him and spray painting on the wall with a big happy grin

(narates) Ned: My name is nedistapio, but most call me Ned, you may be wondering what it is I'm doing here reading a news paper and who this red head in the robe is spray painting my wall.

pnl 2:

Ned turning the page of his news paper as Sydney continues to paint.

(narates) Ned: funny story that is. You see, we're kinda special. I'm a demon from hell who likes to help people

pnl 3:

Ned looks at the red haired angel whos is smiling as she looks at her work and points to it.

Sid: #*&@!%#@

Pnl 4:

Ned looks at the wall with bemused interest as he allows the newspaper to droop in his hands some.

Ned: (narrating) and shes an angel with a bad case of terets

Ned: I agree, I think you're getting better and better at it.


page 2:

pnl 1:
A view of an office center in hell, various demons working in cubicles doing odd and silly things

Ned: (narrates) see, to keep things from going smoothly hell sends demons up every now and then to mess with the natural order of things. Earthquakes, power outages, bird poop, we try our best.

pnl 2

Ned (narates) my last really big job was starting the Iraq war. I kinda enjoyed it, well, except for that whole starting a war thing

Ned is seen in Arab garb sitting next to a missile and painting a nuclear radiation sign on it. An Iraq flag clearly in the back ground.

Pnl 3:

Ned: (narrates) But thing is, I was getting tired of hurting innocent people. It just really wasn't me.

Ned is seen walking down the street, an obviously urbanized area with a piece of paper in his hand.

Pnl 4:

Ned: ( narates) then one day......

Close up from behind ned, the piece of paper clearly visible with the words "destroy Chicago's hospital power transformers" written on it.


Page 3

pnl 1

Ned is still seen walking with his piece of paper, through the dark street

Ned: *sighs* I'm getting to tired of this stuff. I'm not even sure what a power transformer is. I wish we could just relax for once, go hit on the angels at the hospital at least

pnl 2:

a yell for help is seen, indicated as being off screen. Ned is looking up as if trying to tell were the source of the yell for help is coming from.

Pnl 3:

scream continues

Ned looks in the direction of the scream, with slight interest

Ned: (thinking) I wonder what it would feel like to actually help someone for once instead of just thinking about it. Its probably not all its cracked up to be...........

pnl 4

Ned starts to walk away from the screaming though he continues to look in the screams direction

Ned : (thinks) plus the boss might get kinda mad

Pnl 5

Ned stops again.

Ned: but then again the boss never said I couldn't help someone as long as I get my original job done.

Pnl 6:

Ned is seen running towards the scream with the piece of paper fluttering to the ground behind him


page 4

pnl 1:

in an alley there are two men dressed in street gang attire. A person is seen on ground being beaten up by two other individuals, view is from slightly behind ned's foot.

pnl 2

Ned is in view, shouting.

Ned: Hey, you want to pick on someone who can defend themselves?

Pnl 3

Neds head flies back with blood spurting from his forehead.

Pnl 4:

his head pops back into place with blood trickling down his forehead

pnl 5: He smirks at the gang members

Ned: (thinking) Gotta love having a coin that makes you immortal, makes things soo much easier

pnl 6:

The gang members look at Ned stunned and in awe

Pnl 7:

Ned smiles as he thinks to himself

Ned: any minute now, they'll get scared and just ru-

pnl 8

Head flies back again as another bullet catches him in the head


page 5

pnl 1: the two gang members are seen shooting with angry looks on their faces Ned now on the ground with a relatively big pool of blood around him. the original victim propped up against a wall, scared and bruised but mostly being ignored by the gang members. His shock at seeing a man getting shot multiple times preventing him from leaving

pnl 2: The gang members guns click as they run out of ammo

Pnl 3: the gang members look at each other

gang member a: man, I used up everything I got and hes still moving

gang member b: whatever, we had better get outta hear. someone might a heard us shooting

pnl 4: gang members look at each other as they talk unconcerned with Ned or the man they were beating.

Gang member a: What are you talking about, cops in this town aint worth nothing, They aint gonna risk coming into our turf.

gang member b: I've been at this longer then you. I rank higher in this gang and I make the calls, you little punk. I say we leave, then we leave.

Gang member a: but he aint dead yet

Gang member B: he has 45 bullets in him, I really dont think hes gonna walk away from this alive.

pnl 5: the gang members can be seen casually leaving as the man who was being beat is on his hands and knees, nudging Ned who is now flat on his stomach. a look of concern and worry on the mans face

Ned: that....really.....hurt.....

page 6

pnl 1

Ned is seen sitting up with an expression of pain on his face. The man who was being beaten is crouched next to him, an obscured face can be seen at the corner of the alley (note, obscured face is sydney)

Man: are you ok?

Ned: I think I'll be fine

Man: are you sure?

pnl 2
Ned is still sitting up, the man looking relived now

Ned: yeah, I'm kinda immortal

Man: oh, well thanks for helping me out there. I was sure they were gonna kill me

Ned: why?

pnl 3

Man: Just the wrong place at the wrong time. The crime in this place is outta control

Ned stands and straightens his clothes

Pnl 4

Man: if there's anything I can do just tell me

Ned: I like the sound of that. You know where the closest power transformer is?

Pnl 5

View is from behind a figure dressed in white that is looking in from the mouth of the alley. Her knees appear to be wobbling some as the man can be seen pointing in a direction while he looks at Ned

page 7

pnl 1

Ned is seen climbing on a fence that surrounds the power transformer as he tries to get to the power transformer

Ned: That was actually kinda nice. Made things easier.....

Pnl 2

Ned is seen wandering forward toward the equipment, no real urgency in his stride as he looks around some

Ned: and it was nice to hear a thank you for once. I gotta bring that up with pat next time I talk to him

pnl 3

Ned stands and looks at the equipment as the same obscured figure can be seen a little distance off hiding scared from him. (note, this is still Sydney hiding.

Ned: Well, here it is. time to knock out the power to the hospital.....still, doesnt feel right doing this to sick and old folks

Pnl 4

a rock catches Ned in the back of the head and he looks around some


Ned rubs the back of his head as he looks around angrily, the figure gone now


page 8

pnl 1

Ned grabs a piece of re bar that is on the ground

pnl 2

Ned tosses the re bar hard at the power equipment.

pnl 3

The wrench hits something delicate (a control panel or something.) in a very hard way and electricity can be seen shooting about from the point of impact

pnl 4

a large section of the city goes dark and can be seen as such in contrast to the rest of the brightly lit city from the air. A caption reading "mission accomplished" can be seen

page 9


Pnl 1
Ned is sitting in the alley as he fiddles with what looks like some kind of medallion

Ned: this is Ned to Chicago central, Ned to Chicago central, come in pat!

Pnl 2

An older man can be seen in the center of the medallion (should look exactly like Pat Robertson)

Pat: What is it Ned? We are kinda busy right now.

Ned: I knocked out the power to the hospital

Pnl 3

pat looking very very angry as we see him in his room talking into a mirror.

Pat: You dumb ass, you just knocked out the power to the surrounding blocks, the hospital has its own back up generator

Ned: are you serious?


pnl 4

Ned: well what do you want me to do about it then?

Pat: I want you to go in and wreck the damn back up before they get power restored to that part of the city. And dont take so damn long doing it this time. They arent just gonna sit around with a transformer down like that.

pnl 5

Pat Robertson can be seen sitting in a chair in a studio dressing room as there's a knock on the door

Pat: yes?

Voice from behind the door: Mr Robertson, we've got confirmation that the hospital is fine and that the power will be restored as soon as possible to the surrounding parts

pat: well praise the lord!


Page 9

Ned is seen standing in front of the hospital, his wings held back as he examines the building


A whoosh sound effect is seen as a nurse who is sitting at the front desk looks up lazily as if very tired.
Nurse: huh? uhh....sir what are you........

pnl 3:

Ned is seen standing in the hospital lobby as the nurse stands up and two security guards begin to walk towards Ned.

Nurse: sir, I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave. Its after visiting hours as is and we cant let you just wander around the hospital

pnl 4:

Ned suddenly starts to dissolve, his physical appearance vanishing into mid air.

Ned: (thinking) god I hate doing this, always leaves me feeling sick

pnl 5:

The nurse looks shocked as the guards can be seen in the background looking at each other in a confused way

Nurse: should we call someone or do something?

Gaurd: what do you want us to do? arrest the air?


page 10

Pnl 1

Ned is seen walking down a small hall, one or two nurses here and there but none noticing him.

Ned: hmmm......this is kinda weird, usually there's a hot angel chick around here guarding the place and everything. eh, maybe not running into her is better. after all, angles of mercy aren't gonna like me shutting the power off.

Pnl 2

Ned looks up, a pleased smile on his face as he continues to walk.

pnl 3

Ned looks startled as he bumps into something, the something not seen since the view is zoomed in on Neds face.

Ned: what the-

pnl 4

Ned looks down at Sydney, who has a wide smile on her face and is waving at him innocently.

Ned: something tells me this is about to get annoying

(angle suggestion: behind Neds head)
This is the script for the other story I've been writting! I actually wrote this a long while back but I hope everyone enjoys it.
© 2011 - 2024 ByThePowerOfTVsFrank
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